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Flipped classrooms allows class time be used to master skills through collaborative projects and discussions. This encourages students to teach and learn concepts from each other with the guidance of their teachers. By allowing students to partake in their own learning, they are able to own the knowledge they achieve, which in turn builds confidence. Furthermore, teachers are given the ability to identify errors in thinking or concept application, and are more available for one on one interaction. By making video lectures available at all times online, students who are forced to miss class due to illness, sports, vacations or emergencies, can catch up quickly. This also gives teachers more flexibility when they themselves are sick and also eliminates make up assignments. Unlike traditional classroom models, flipped classrooms give parents 24/7 access to their students video lectures. This allows parents to be better prepared when attempting to help their students and gives them insight into the quality of instruction their students are receiving. Done properly, in a flipped classroom, kids can have more time to be kids, whether that means more free time, or more academic practice. As most of us can recall from our own experiences, a substantial amount of time is spent each week outside the classroom doing homework. In fact, a study done observing 9th 12th graders found that students spent and average of 38 hours a week doing homework.

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Mr. Slupski is a licensed polygraph examiner in Kentucky and South Carolina. Johnny R. "Robbie" Frederick, Deputy Director and Instructor. Mr. Frederick is a 2003 graduate of the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute and retired with 31 years law enforcement experience. In addition to his police duties involving supervision of teams targeting illicit drug operations, crime scene investigations and crisis negotiations, Robbie has maintained a private polygraph business since 2006. He has presented polygraph lectures internationally and has held leadership positions in the Georgia Polygraph Association and the American Polygraph Association. His academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice and graduate work toward a Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology. Robbie holds membership in the Georgia Polygraph Association; having held the offices of Treasurer and President. Steven D.

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Recent nontraditional conflicts fought against Al Qaeda, and ISIS for example have exposed U. S. weaknesses when it comes to nontraditional warfare, particularly the vulnerability to cyber attacks. In 2014, North Korea conducted a massive cyber attack against the private American business entity Sony Pictures. In 2015, the United States Office of Personnel Management announced the data breach that targeted the personal information of nearly 18 million government employees, likely sponsored by the Chinese government. While much is still unknown about the recent Equifax data breach that compromised the sensitive personal information of nearly 146 million Americans, Federal investigators have acknowledged evidence that the attack was state sponsored, though they do not have enough evidence to point to one particular state. Foreign countries are clearly unafraid to attack American institutions through cyber measures. There is little doubt that if foreign operatives conducted a physical attack or otherwise compromised the sovereignty of the United States, the nation would be justified in responding. In the case of the 2016 Presidential elections, rather than launching missiles, deploying troops, or even hacking weapons systems or nuclear reactors, the Russians weaponized the Internet. Why has the United States not taken action to respond to, or actively deter, such bold and aggressive cyber operations?Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that the world now relies on social media and related technology that has rapidly become an essential fixture in peoples lives. These diffuse social integrations makes it difficult to draw a line between rogue hacktivists and a targeted military attack on a sovereign nation.

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